Deed of 1842 - Kamehameha III Conveying Kawaiahao Church Lot in 1842

Below is a verbatim transcript of what the deed actually says. I note here that one statement in the deed specifies: “…We also believe in the resurrection of the body at the judgment of the great day of the Lord, and in the eternal life of the righteous and the eternal death of the wicked…” 

A Deed of Conveyance of the Stone House of Worship situate at Kawaiahao, in Honolulu. 
In order to shew the [page 1] nature of the doctrine believed by this church and in order that after generations may not mistake in this respect it is proper to commit to the custody of writing, in this instrument the principal matter of belief of this Church, as follows. Will believe in Jehovah, that he is God, that He had no beginning, that He will have no end and that He will suffer no change, that He is not indeed visible to the bodily eye, but that He dwelleth everywhere that He knoweth all things, that He is all powerful, all wise, and righteous altogether, that He possesses every glory and every good, that He created the earth and the heavens, and men and angels, both this world and the world to come and all things that are therein, that He continues and protects all things according to His own pleasure that he alone is God, and that all other things whatsoever which may be called god are vanity and the work of falsehood [page 2] it absorbeth sin and justifieth to eternal life all the righteous who believe in Him – that there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we may be Saved. That He is the King of Zion, that His is all power in heaven and on earth, and that he will be the Judge of quick and dead.
We also believe in the Holy Spirit that it is the Spirit of God, that it testified to men of their sin, and convinces them of the righteousness and holiness of God, and prepares them for eternal life in heaven.
We also believe that God has a church on earth, and that his purpose is to establish it firmly among all nations and to make it glorious forever, and that He desires that all who have been born again by the good word of the Lord should make themselves members of His church and should walk together before Him with holy heart in all his laws and [page 3]

We further believe that man was made in the likeness of God, that he was pure and happy and that he has fallen into transgression, and therefore that of his own human nature all men of every generation are in sin and death.
 We also believe that God of His own love alone promised to give a Savior unto life, and that according to such promise He sent here to this world His Son, to be born of woman in the likeness of man.
We also believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God, that He died on the cross as an atonement for our sins, and also for the sins of the whole world, that there is abundant life in His blood, that [page 4] ordinances which He has commanded.
We also believe in the resurrection of the body at the judgment of the great day of the Lord, and in the eternal life of the righteous and the eternal death of the wicked.
It is also hereby provided — all religious sects whose doctrine is different from that which is set forth in this instrument, to wit. those who worship images and those who worship God by means of images, all who are of the denomination of the Pope, those who deny Jehovah, and who deny the Trinity of God, those who deny that Jesus Christ is God and that the Holy Spirit is God, those who deny the eternal death of the wicked and the eternal life of the righteous, those who prevent the Holy scripture by taken a part away and by adding a part away and by adding a part to the word and the attributes of God, these have no estate in this Church and in this Lot.

We hereby make over this [page 5] house and this lot with all its appurtenances unto those who shall in truth preserve the doctrine in the instrument above written and not to them who think otherwise.
And We hereunto set our names and our Seal at Honolulu Oahu, in these Hawaiian Islands this twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two…
Kamehameha III 
Witness to the Signature 
Keoni Kiwini 
Boaz Mahuna 
Iona Kapena 
I. Kekaulahao [page 6]
Copied on Hawaii State Archives public copier – Translation Original translation in Safe 

Deed of Kamehameha III Conveying Kawaiahao Church Lot In 1842 – Hawaiian (PDF)

Deed of Kamehameha III Conveying Kawaiahao Church Lot in 1842 – Translation (PDF)

Kawaiahao Historic Articles

Kawaiahao Cemetery History

Partial Working List of Names of Obituaries From Historic Newspapers of Hawai'i

The information shared about Kawaiahao Church and Cemeteries represents examples of historical documentation on these significant historic properties. Further research is still needed and will reveal many more names and information. 
March 17, 1884, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
The funeral of the late Major-Kinimaka-March-17-1884-PDF took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at Kawaiahao Cemetery…
April 23, 1885, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
The young woman Akahi-April-23-1885-PDF who died in the hospital… …her remains being interred in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
November 16, 1885, Page 3
Daily Honolulu Press 
Late Ex-Governor Gov-Kanoa-Nov-16-1885-PDF 83 years of age. Interred in same vault in Kawaiahao Church yard where the remains of his mother and father now lie.
November 21, 1885, Page 6 
The Daily Bulletin Summary
Gov-Kanoa-Nov-21-1885-PDF…The remains, enclosed in an elegant coffin of koa, were deposited in the family vault in the Kawaiahao cemetery.
January 5, 1886, Page 3 
Daily Honolulu Press
On Sunday afternoon last, another veteran missionary of the A.B.C.F.M. to these Islands was called to his reward when Rev-Dr-Dwight-Baldwin-Jan-5-1886-PDF aged 87 years, passed peacefully away, at the residence of his son-in-law, S.M. Damon… He leaves three daughters, Mrs. W.D. Alexander, Mrs. S.M. Damon and Mrs. W.O. Atwater, and three sons, D.D., H.P. and Chas Baldwin. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from Kawaiahao Church…
February 26, 1886, Page 3 
Daily Honolulu Press
 A very impressive scene was witnessed on Punchbowl street, in front of the Kawaiahao Cemetery, yesterday afternoon. It was the funeral procession of a young Native-Girl-Feb-26-1886-PDF who had died on Wednesday night. After the hearse came the mourners, then came about twenty South Sea Islanders. On entering the cemetery they removed their hats, and listened with marked attention to the sad services over the remains of the young girl…
April 21, 1886, Page 3 
The Daily Bulletin
The Late Mrs-Kapena-April-21-1886-PDF Funeral…last tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased wife of His Excellency J.M. Kapena. Among those present were His Majesty the King, the Vice-Chamberlain, The Princesses Liliuokalani and Likelike… …and the remains were preceded and followed to the Kawaiahao church cemetery..
June 28, 1886, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Mr-Porter-Green-June-28-1886-PDF, at one time a man of some prominence in Hawaiian affairs, but for several years past a sufferer from paralysis, died on Saturday evening, and was buried yesterday afternoon from Kawaiahao Church… 
November 1, 1886, Page 3 
The Daily Herald
The funeral of the late High-Chiefess-Kalola-Nov-1-1886-PDF took place yesterday afternoon from Honuakaha to Kawaiahao cemetery… 
August 9, 1887, Page 5 
The Hawaiian Gazette
A very sad accident took place Friday at the shore battery, resulting in the death of a Native-Aug-9-1887-PDF belonging to the military. The royal salute was being fired as the steamer W.G. Hall with the King on board was passing out of the harbor… The funeral took place Saturday forenoon at Kawaiahao Church Cemetery…
March 20, 1888, Page 5 
The Hawaiian Gazette
The funeral of the late Luther-Aholo-March-20-1888-PDF took place Sunday afternoon from Washington Place to the Kawaiahao cemetery… …Mr. Aholo was Minister of Interior from October, 1886, to June, 1887. Previous to accepting the Ministerial portfolio, he represented Lahaina in the Legislature, and exhibited considerable ability as a parliamentarian…
April 3, 1888, Page 5 
The Hawaiian Gazette
Funeral of the late, John-Hamauku-April-3-1888-PDF, captain in the King’s Guards… …to the Kawaiahao cemetery… Remains were interred with military honors.
May 16, 1888, Page 3 
The Daily Bulletin
The funeral of the late Miss-F-G-Morley-May-15-1888-PDF, music teacher at the Kawaiahao Seminary… The remains have been deposited in the family vault of Mrs. Haalelea, to await action of the relatives who reside in Wisconsin.
January 8, 1889, Page 7
The Hawaiian Gazette
The funeral of the late J-K-Spalding-Jan-8-1889-PDF took place on Thursday and was largely attended by Hawaiians and foreigners. The Internment was in Kawaiahao Cemetery…
March 25, 1889, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin James-Campbell-March-25-1889-PDF, son of Honorable James Campbell aged 3 years and 6 days. Funeral from the Kawaiahao Church.
May 20, 1890, Page 8
The Hawaiian Gazette
Rev-Doane-May-20-1890-PDF This honored missionary Father went to rest from the house of Rev. Dr. Hyde… The honored remains found their last resting place in the Mission cemetery by the side of those of the wife and two infant children laid there nearly thirty years ago thus strangely reunited…
July 19, 1890
The Daily Bulletin
William-Lumaheihei-Hoapili-July-10-1890-PDF, a promising young Hawaiian aged 21 years, died on Thursday evening of typhoid fever… He was the son of Judge Hoapili, of Kona, Hawaii and leaves two brothers, and sisters, and a host of friends… …his remains were interred at the Kawaiahao cemetery.
January 20, 1891, Page 7 The Hawaiian Gazette
Mrs-Louisa-Johnson-Bindt-July-18-1893-PDF died suddenly on Saturday last at her residence in Fort street… Her remains were interred on Sunday afternoon, in the mission burial ground at Kawaiahao…
August 18, 1891, Page 7
The Hawaiian Gazette
Mrs-Atwater-Sept-1-1891 wife of Mr. W.O. Atwater, secretary of the Honolulu Iron Works… The remains were followed to Kawaiahao cemetery by a large number of carriages…
May 25, 1892, Page 2
The Daily Bulletin
Samuel-Mahelona-May-25-1892-PDF 31 years of age, member of Kawaiahao Church, funeral will take place at Kawaiahao. Married to Miss Emma Napoleon.
June 29, 1893, Page 2
Pacific Commercial Advertiser
The funeral of the late Mrs-Hanakeola-Leleo-Kinimaka-PDF Of the five societies she was a member of, four turned out, the Hui Aloha Aina, Liliuokalani Educational Societies, Riding Society, Hui Manawalea, and Hawaiian Patriotic League. Mrs. Kinimaka leaves eight children living, five girls and three boys. Her remains were buried at the Kawaiahao cemetery besides those of her husband who died nearly ten years ago.
Mahalo Pattie Atcherley Haaheo Hitchcock for sharing this rememberance of your kupunahine.
July 11, 1893, Page 9
The Hawaiian Gazette
Death of a Compositor  George-Liwai-Kali-July-11-1893-PDF a Hawaiian of about 25 years of age, who has been employed as a typo in the job department of the Hawaiian Gazette Publishing Co…. He leaves a wife and four little girls, the eldest six years of age, a mother and a large number of relatives to mourn his loss. …his remains being buried at Kawaiahao cemetery.
July 15, 1893, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Benjamin-Kaaua-July-15-1893-PDF connected with Kaumakapili Church, he was one of the two oldest members. Trustee of the church for twenty years and chairman of that body for four years. Deceased was 54 years of age. Rev J. Waiamau conducted service. Remains were interred at Kawaiahao.
July 18, 1893, Page 9
The Hawaiian Gazette
The late Mrs-Louisa-Johnson-Bindt-July-18-1893-PDFwas 50 years of age, and was buried at Kawaiahao cemetery beside her mother’s grave and not at the Nuuanu cemetery, as reported.
December 20, 1893, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Miss-Emma-Kawewehi-Dec-20-1893-PDF  died at Leleo at 11 o’clock yesterday morning… The deceased was a sister of Julia Starr Kapu, and was 20 years and 11 months old at the time of her demise. …the place of interment being at Kawaiahao.
February 22, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
February 23, 1894, Page 7 The Hawaiian Gazette
James-Kauhane-Feb-23-1894-PDF from loss of blood.. …the procession started for the Kawaiahao cemetery…
June 21, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
S-Kaai-June-21-1894-PDF, who for years was employed in C.J. Fishel’s store, died Tuesday evening and was buried yesterday in the Kawaiahao Church cemetery…
July 27, 1894, Page 1
The Hawaiian Gazette
Charles-Turner-July-27-1894-PDF Passes Away at Auckland, New Zealand… …Mr. Turner’s body was sent here for burial… The remains were taken to the Kawaiahao cemetery…
July 28, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Twenty-two carriages containing the relatives and friends followed the hearse carrying the remains of the late George-Kauaina-Norton-July-28-1894-PDF  to the Kawaiahao cemetery.
August 14, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
The funeral of the late Emma-Napoleon-Aug-14-1894-PDF, mother of Mrs. S. Mahelona, Mrs. J.U. Kawainui, Mrs. E.P. Low, Maikai Napoleon and others, who died on Sunday morning, took place yesterday from the family residence, Queen street. The services were held at Kawaiahao Church… The interment was in the family plot in the churchyard.
November 9, 1894, Page 8
The Hawaiian Gazette
Death of an Estimable Woman.
 Miss-Emma-Kawewehi-Dec-20-1893-PDF  died in Honolulu on November 4th, and on that day her funeral took place, and she was buried in the Kawaiahao Church grave yard. She was born in Pahoehoe, North Kona, at the time Kaahumanu made the tour of Hawaii. Her father was Kakao and her mother was Kalaunui, of Hilo Kaipo. She married Kanaina, and one of her daughters is Mrs. J.L. Kaulukou. She was one of the old stock of natives, and a most estimable woman.
March 18, 1895, Page 1
The Daily Bulletin
Paul-Kanoa-March-18-1895-PDF died at one o’clock this morning at his home… …he was sixty-two years, nine months and eight days old at the time of his death… The parents of deceased were O. Kaulehelohe and Kapau… …the interment being at Kawaiahao cemetery.
October 24, 1895, Page 3
The Independent
Editor Joe-Kawainui-PDF was buried yesterday with all honors due a good and true man… …The final rites took place at the Kawaiahao cemetery and were most impressive… 
October 25, 1895, Page 6
The Hawaiian Gazette
December 26, 1895, Page 1
The Evening Bulletin
Of Geo-Ahuai-Dec-26-1895-PDF, age 26, a native of Kona, buried yesterday from Kawaiahao church in the cemetery thereof Rev. H.H. Parker officiating.
February 14, 1896, Page 5
The Evening Bulletin
Lukea-Feb-14-1896-PDF, died at her residence… …The remains will be interred at Kawaiahao cemetery…
August 12, 1896, Page 5
The Evening Bulletin
Mother-Cooke-Aug-12-1896-PDF Dead. The Aged Missionary Lady Succumbs After Short Illness…
August 13, 1896, Page 3
The Independent
Juliette-Cooke-PDF funeral… …interment took place at Kawaiahao Seminary where so many of the first missionaries are buried. The remains of Mother Cooke were carried to the grave by Minister S.M. Damon…
February 19, 1897, Page 5
The Hawaiian Gazette
Beckley-Ahia-Feb-19-1897-PDF aged 57, died at her late home on School street… …The body was interred in Kawaiahao Cemetery…
February 19, 1897, Page 3
The Independent
Milaina-Ahia-Feb-19-1897-PDF… …buried in the afternoon at the Kawaiahao Cemetery. The deceased, who was 57 years of age, was an old and faithful servant of Queen Liliuokalani, who will be grieved by hearing of the death of her old friend… …The remains were interred in the Kawainui vault, in Kawaiahao Cemetery.
April 2, 1898, Page 2
The Independent
C-D-Wiliokai-April-2-1898-PDF…  …deceased was a prominent member of the National Quintette Club and an bass excellent singer… The interment took place at the Kawaiahao cemetery. Wiliokai—At Waikiki, March 31, 1898, Cain D. Wiliokai, of dropsy; aged about 40 years.
May 23, 1898, Page 2
The Independent
The funeral of C-B-Wilson-May-23-1898-PDF , took place yesterday afternoon from Kawaiahao Church… …The interment took place in the churchyard…
May 24, 1898, Page 6 The Hawaiian Gazette

C-B-Wilson-May-24-1898-PDF , name before her marriage to the ex-marshal was Evelyn Townsend and she was a companion to Liliuokalani… …interment was in the family plot in Kawaiahao cemetery.

May 26, 1898, Page 3
The Independent Mrs-Caroline-Hapai-May-26-1898-PDF , wife of H. Hapai an employee in the Finance Office and a daughter of H. Grube. She was only 22 years of age… …remains were intered at the Kawaiahao cemetery. …formerly a pupil at St. Andrew’s Priory.
May 27, 1898, Page 6
The Hawaiian Gazette
Mrs-Hapai-May-27-1898-PDF wife of Henry Hapai, died yesterday morning… …large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave in Kawaiahao cemetery…
June 9, 1898, Page 3
The Independent
Mrs-Kahookano-June-9-1898-PDF …died at the early age of 31 years… …mother indeed of seven offsprings, five of whom survive her. Three girls and two boys. …interment at the Kawaiahao Cemetery, where most of her own people, that have gone before her are buried…
August 5, 1898, Page 8
The Evening Bulletin
National Guard Death…Walter-G-Butler-Aug-5-1898-PDF …was 46 years of age, a native of Raleigh, N.C. and a member of Co. D. Hawaiian National Guard Volunteers… …A Hawaiian flag and a wreath were upon the coffin in E.A. Williams hearse. Rev. H.H. Parker, pastor of Kawaiahao church, conducted the burial services.
November 10, 1898, Page 3
The Independent

Kapoolele-Apau-Nov-10-1898-PDF, a native woman born at Malama, Puna, Hawaii was buried in Kawaiahao cemetery, yesterday, at the ripe old age of 127 years, 9 months and 8 days. Her interesting biography was published with the census report of 1896.

April 24, 1899, Page 1
The Evening Bulletin
Naaulii-April-24-1899-PDF is the name of a native woman who died at Kawaiahao…
May 11, 1899, Page 5
The Evening Bulletin
J-H-Trask-May-11-1899-PDF, an American aged 70 died of heart disease at Honuakaha yesterday, buried in Kawaiahao cemetery. 
June 14, 1899, Page 2
The Independent
Mrs-Tamar-Meekapu-June-14-1899-PDF died in Honolulu… The deceased was born in 1852 and was educated in the Mission school by… She married the Rev. M. Kuaea, the pastor of Kaumakapili Church, who was known as the Hawaiian Henry Ward Beecher… Later on she married Mr. Meekapu who survives her… Her remains were interred in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
September 13, 1899, Page 5
The Independent
The funeral of little Muriel-Richards-PDF took place yesterday afternoon at the family burial grounds in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
November 20, 1899, Page 3
The Independent
Major-William-P-Ulumaheihei-Waipa-PDF met with an accident yesterday evening which eventually caused his death… …The interment will be in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
November 21, 1899, Page 2
The Independent
 The funeral of the late Lumaheihei-Funeral-PDF… …untimely and horrible death was deeply deplored by all… The interment took place at Kawaiahao cemetery…
February 2, 1900, Page 3
The Independent
Elizabeth-Nahali-PDF  a Hawaiian female of 10 years of age. Buried later at Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 10, 1900, Page 2
The Independent
Frank-Metcalf-March-10-1900-PDF expired at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Helen Rowland… The deceased was part Hawaiian and was born in Manoa forty-six years ago. He was the son of T. Metcalf, a prominent surveyor and a man having considerable influence during the regime of Kamehameha III…. …engaged in the business of a searcher of records and of a newspaper writer. At the time of his death he was editing the Ka Lahui Hawaii. His widow who was Miss Forsyth of Maui, and several children survive him. The funeral takes place from Kawaiahao Church this afternoon.
March 13, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
John-Henry-Mossman-March-13-1900-PDF , Hawaiian male, 8 months old, died at Waikiki; tuberculosis was the cause of death… Burial certificate granted for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 14, 1900, Page 4
The Independent
Lilia-PDFHawaiian female, 16 years; …burial certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 14, 1900, Page 4
The Independent
Infant-daughter-Capt-H-Berger-PDF  …burial certificate granted for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 20, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
 Hawaiian male, 65 years; died on Punchbowl street, near Emma, of phthisis; attended by Dr. Augur; certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 20, 1900, Page 1
The Independent

Kahele-PDF , Hawaiian female, 60 years; …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.

March 21, 1900, Page 2
The Independent

Kapule-March-21-1900-PDF , Hawaiian male, 60 years… …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.

March 21, 1900, Page 2
The Independent
Samuel-L-Pomroy-March-21-1900-PDF  part Hawaiian, 2 ½ years; …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 22, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
Infant-son-Stephen-Lukua-March-22-1900-PDF Hawaiian, 9 days; died at the Kapiolani Maternity Home of inanition; attended by Dr. Miner; certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 24, 1900, Page 2
The Independent
Willie-Naukana-March-24-1900-PDF, Hawaiian male, 13 years; died at Kerosene Hospital of typhoid fever attended by Dr. Bowman; Kawaiahao cemetery.
May 1, 1900, Page 3
The Independent
James-Kaneakua-PDF died last night at the residence of Mr. L. McKeague on Fort Street. The deceased was 81 years of age and was the foster father of John M. Kaneakua, the well known attorney and of Louis McKeague. The kamaainas will remember the old man who was an excellent type of the old Hawaiians. The funeral took place at 3:30 p.m. today at Kawaiahao.
May 22, 1900, Page 4
The Independent
David-Koko-PDF, Hawaiian male, 1 year and 8 months; born and died at Kakaako, on east side of new Iron Works, after six months illness, of phthisis pulmonalis; attended by Dr. Alvarez; Kawaiahao cemetery.
June 16, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
Unnamed-Child-Sam-Kaele-June-16-1900-PDF Hawaiian male, 4 months; born and died at the corner of Queen and Punchbowl streets; after ten days sickness, of meningitis; attended by Dr. Kojima; Kawaiahao cemetery.
December 28, 1900, Page 3
The Independent
Rose-Castino-PDF a native of Honolulu, aged 31 years, died at the home on Beretania street, near the pumping plant from consumption. The remains were interred at Kawaiahao.
December 28, 1900, Page 3
The Honolulu Republican
Kaahalama-infant-Dec-28-1900-PDF an infant, Hawaiian by birth, died of croup yesterday. Internment took place at Kawaiahao.
December 29, 1900, Page 6
The Honolulu Republican
George-Hakalo-Infant-Dec-29-1900-PDF, an infant, Hawaiian died at the Makai relief camp of bronchitis. Burial at Kawaiahao.
January 5, 1901, Page 4
The Independent
The funeral of the late Mrs-Kaniu-Haaheo-Lumaheihei-Jan-5-1901-PDF took place yesterday afternoon from her late residence. The remains were interred at Kawaiahao Cemetery.
March 25, 1889, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin James-Campbell-March-25-1889-PDF, son of Honorable James Campbell aged 3 years and 6 days. Funeral from the Kawaiahao Church.
May 20, 1890, Page 8
The Hawaiian GazetteRev-Doane-May-20-1890-PDF This honored missionary Father went to rest from the house of Rev. Dr. Hyde… The honored remains found their last resting place in the Mission cemetery by the side of those of the wife and two infant children laid there nearly thirty years ago thus strangely reunited…
July 19, 1890
The Daily Bulletin
William-Lumaheihei-Hoapili-July-10-1890-PDF, a promising young Hawaiian aged 21 years, died on Thursday evening of typhoid fever… He was the son of Judge Hoapili, of Kona, Hawaii and leaves two brothers, and sisters, and a host of friends… …his remains were interred at the Kawaiahao cemetery.
January 20, 1891, Page 7 The Hawaiian Gazette
Mrs-Louisa-Johnson-Bindt-July-18-1893-PDF died suddenly on Saturday last at her residence in Fort street… Her remains were interred on Sunday afternoon, in the mission burial ground at Kawaiahao…
August 18, 1891, Page 7
The Hawaiian Gazette
Mrs-Atwater-Sept-1-1891 wife of Mr. W.O. Atwater, secretary of the Honolulu Iron Works… The remains were followed to Kawaiahao cemetery by a large number of carriages…
May 25, 1892, Page 2
The Daily Bulletin
Samuel-Mahelona-May-25-1892-PDF 31 years of age, member of Kawaiahao Church, funeral will take place at Kawaiahao. Married to Miss Emma Napoleon.
June 29, 1893, Page 2
Pacific Commercial Advertiser
The funeral of the late Mrs-Hanakeola-Leleo-Kinimaka-PDF Of the five societies she was a member of, four turned out, the Hui Aloha Aina, Liliuokalani Educational Societies, Riding Society, Hui Manawalea, and Hawaiian Patriotic League. Mrs. Kinimaka leaves eight children living, five girls and three boys. Her remains were buried at the Kawaiahao cemetery besides those of her husband who died nearly ten years ago.
Mahalo Pattie Atcherley Haaheo Hitchcock for sharing this rememberance of your kupunahine.
July 11, 1893, Page 9
The Hawaiian Gazette
Death of a Compositor  George-Liwai-Kali-July-11-1893-PDF a Hawaiian of about 25 years of age, who has been employed as a typo in the job department of the Hawaiian Gazette Publishing Co…. He leaves a wife and four little girls, the eldest six years of age, a mother and a large number of relatives to mourn his loss. …his remains being buried at Kawaiahao cemetery.
July 15, 1893, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Benjamin-Kaaua-July-15-1893-PDF connected with Kaumakapili Church, he was one of the two oldest members. Trustee of the church for twenty years and chairman of that body for four years. Deceased was 54 years of age. Rev J. Waiamau conducted service. Remains were interred at Kawaiahao.
July 18, 1893, Page 9
The Hawaiian Gazette
The late Mrs-Louisa-Johnson-Bindt-July-18-1893-PDFwas 50 years of age, and was buried at Kawaiahao cemetery beside her mother’s grave and not at the Nuuanu cemetery, as reported.
December 20, 1893, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Miss-Emma-Kawewehi-Dec-20-1893-PDF  died at Leleo at 11 o’clock yesterday morning… The deceased was a sister of Julia Starr Kapu, and was 20 years and 11 months old at the time of her demise. …the place of interment being at Kawaiahao.
February 22, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
February 23, 1894, Page 7 The Hawaiian Gazette
James-Kauhane-Feb-23-1894-PDF from loss of blood.. …the procession started for the Kawaiahao cemetery…
June 21, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
S-Kaai-June-21-1894-PDF, who for years was employed in C.J. Fishel’s store, died Tuesday evening and was buried yesterday in the Kawaiahao Church cemetery…
July 27, 1894, Page 1
The Hawaiian Gazette
Charles-Turner-July-27-1894-PDF Passes Away at Auckland, New Zealand… …Mr. Turner’s body was sent here for burial… The remains were taken to the Kawaiahao cemetery…
July 28, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
Twenty-two carriages containing the relatives and friends followed the hearse carrying the remains of the late George-Kauaina-Norton-July-28-1894-PDF  to the Kawaiahao cemetery.
August 14, 1894, Page 3
The Daily Bulletin
The funeral of the late Emma-Napoleon-Aug-14-1894-PDF, mother of Mrs. S. Mahelona, Mrs. J.U. Kawainui, Mrs. E.P. Low, Maikai Napoleon and others, who died on Sunday morning, took place yesterday from the family residence, Queen street. The services were held at Kawaiahao Church… The interment was in the family plot in the churchyard.
November 9, 1894, Page 8
The Hawaiian Gazette
Death of an Estimable Woman.
 Miss-Emma-Kawewehi-Dec-20-1893-PDF  died in Honolulu on November 4th, and on that day her funeral took place, and she was buried in the Kawaiahao Church grave yard. She was born in Pahoehoe, North Kona, at the time Kaahumanu made the tour of Hawaii. Her father was Kakao and her mother was Kalaunui, of Hilo Kaipo. She married Kanaina, and one of her daughters is Mrs. J.L. Kaulukou. She was one of the old stock of natives, and a most estimable woman.
March 18, 1895, Page 1
The Daily Bulletin
Paul-Kanoa-March-18-1895-PDF died at one o’clock this morning at his home… …he was sixty-two years, nine months and eight days old at the time of his death… The parents of deceased were O. Kaulehelohe and Kapau… …the interment being at Kawaiahao cemetery.
October 24, 1895, Page 3
The Independent
Editor Joe-Kawainui-PDF was buried yesterday with all honors due a good and true man… …The final rites took place at the Kawaiahao cemetery and were most impressive… 
October 25, 1895, Page 6
The Hawaiian Gazette
December 26, 1895, Page 1
The Evening Bulletin
Of Geo-Ahuai-Dec-26-1895-PDF, age 26, a native of Kona, buried yesterday from Kawaiahao church in the cemetery thereof Rev. H.H. Parker officiating.
February 14, 1896, Page 5
The Evening Bulletin
Lukea-Feb-14-1896-PDF, died at her residence… …The remains will be interred at Kawaiahao cemetery…
August 12, 1896, Page 5
The Evening Bulletin
Mother-Cooke-Aug-12-1896-PDF Dead. The Aged Missionary Lady Succumbs After Short Illness…
August 13, 1896, Page 3
The Independent
Juliette-Cooke-PDF funeral… …interment took place at Kawaiahao Seminary where so many of the first missionaries are buried. The remains of Mother Cooke were carried to the grave by Minister S.M. Damon…
February 19, 1897, Page 5
The Hawaiian Gazette
Beckley-Ahia-Feb-19-1897-PDF aged 57, died at her late home on School street… …The body was interred in Kawaiahao Cemetery…
February 19, 1897, Page 3
The Independent
Milaina-Ahia-Feb-19-1897-PDF… …buried in the afternoon at the Kawaiahao Cemetery. The deceased, who was 57 years of age, was an old and faithful servant of Queen Liliuokalani, who will be grieved by hearing of the death of her old friend… …The remains were interred in the Kawainui vault, in Kawaiahao Cemetery.
April 2, 1898, Page 2
The Independent
C-D-Wiliokai-April-2-1898-PDF…  …deceased was a prominent member of the National Quintette Club and an bass excellent singer… The interment took place at the Kawaiahao cemetery. Wiliokai—At Waikiki, March 31, 1898, Cain D. Wiliokai, of dropsy; aged about 40 years.
May 23, 1898, Page 2
The Independent
The funeral of C-B-Wilson-May-23-1898-PDF , took place yesterday afternoon from Kawaiahao Church… …The interment took place in the churchyard…
May 24, 1898, Page 6 The Hawaiian Gazette

C-B-Wilson-May-24-1898-PDF , name before her marriage to the ex-marshal was Evelyn Townsend and she was a companion to Liliuokalani… …interment was in the family plot in Kawaiahao cemetery.

May 26, 1898, Page 3
The Independent Mrs-Caroline-Hapai-May-26-1898-PDF , wife of H. Hapai an employee in the Finance Office and a daughter of H. Grube. She was only 22 years of age… …remains were intered at the Kawaiahao cemetery. …formerly a pupil at St. Andrew’s Priory.
May 27, 1898, Page 6
The Hawaiian Gazette
Mrs-Hapai-May-27-1898-PDF wife of Henry Hapai, died yesterday morning… …large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave in Kawaiahao cemetery…
June 9, 1898, Page 3
The Independent
Mrs-Kahookano-June-9-1898-PDF …died at the early age of 31 years… …mother indeed of seven offsprings, five of whom survive her. Three girls and two boys. …interment at the Kawaiahao Cemetery, where most of her own people, that have gone before her are buried…
August 5, 1898, Page 8
The Evening Bulletin
National Guard Death…Walter-G-Butler-Aug-5-1898-PDF …was 46 years of age, a native of Raleigh, N.C. and a member of Co. D. Hawaiian National Guard Volunteers… …A Hawaiian flag and a wreath were upon the coffin in E.A. Williams hearse. Rev. H.H. Parker, pastor of Kawaiahao church, conducted the burial services.
November 10, 1898, Page 3
The Independent

Kapoolele-Apau-Nov-10-1898-PDF, a native woman born at Malama, Puna, Hawaii was buried in Kawaiahao cemetery, yesterday, at the ripe old age of 127 years, 9 months and 8 days. Her interesting biography was published with the census report of 1896.

April 24, 1899, Page 1
The Evening Bulletin
Naaulii-April-24-1899-PDF is the name of a native woman who died at Kawaiahao…
May 11, 1899, Page 5
The Evening Bulletin
J-H-Trask-May-11-1899-PDF, an American aged 70 died of heart disease at Honuakaha yesterday, buried in Kawaiahao cemetery. 
June 14, 1899, Page 2
The Independent
Mrs-Tamar-Meekapu-June-14-1899-PDF died in Honolulu… The deceased was born in 1852 and was educated in the Mission school by… She married the Rev. M. Kuaea, the pastor of Kaumakapili Church, who was known as the Hawaiian Henry Ward Beecher… Later on she married Mr. Meekapu who survives her… Her remains were interred in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
September 13, 1899, Page 5
The Independent
The funeral of little Muriel-Richards-PDF took place yesterday afternoon at the family burial grounds in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
November 20, 1899, Page 3
The Independent
Major-William-P-Ulumaheihei-Waipa-PDF met with an accident yesterday evening which eventually caused his death… …The interment will be in the Kawaiahao cemetery…
November 21, 1899, Page 2
The Independent
 The funeral of the late Lumaheihei-Funeral-PDF… …untimely and horrible death was deeply deplored by all… The interment took place at Kawaiahao cemetery…
February 2, 1900, Page 3
The Independent
Elizabeth-Nahali-PDF  a Hawaiian female of 10 years of age. Buried later at Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 10, 1900, Page 2
The Independent
Frank-Metcalf-March-10-1900-PDF expired at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Helen Rowland… The deceased was part Hawaiian and was born in Manoa forty-six years ago. He was the son of T. Metcalf, a prominent surveyor and a man having considerable influence during the regime of Kamehameha III…. …engaged in the business of a searcher of records and of a newspaper writer. At the time of his death he was editing the Ka Lahui Hawaii. His widow who was Miss Forsyth of Maui, and several children survive him. The funeral takes place from Kawaiahao Church this afternoon.
March 13, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
John-Henry-Mossman-March-13-1900-PDF , Hawaiian male, 8 months old, died at Waikiki; tuberculosis was the cause of death… Burial certificate granted for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 14, 1900, Page 4
The Independent
Lilia-PDFHawaiian female, 16 years; …burial certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 14, 1900, Page 4
The Independent
Infant-daughter-Capt-H-Berger-PDF  …burial certificate granted for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 20, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
 Hawaiian male, 65 years; died on Punchbowl street, near Emma, of phthisis; attended by Dr. Augur; certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 20, 1900, Page 1
The Independent

Kahele-PDF , Hawaiian female, 60 years; …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.

March 21, 1900, Page 2
The Independent

Kapule-March-21-1900-PDF , Hawaiian male, 60 years… …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.

March 21, 1900, Page 2
The Independent
Samuel-L-Pomroy-March-21-1900-PDF  part Hawaiian, 2 ½ years; …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 22, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
Infant-son-Stephen-Lukua-March-22-1900-PDF Hawaiian, 9 days; died at the Kapiolani Maternity Home of inanition; attended by Dr. Miner; certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
March 24, 1900, Page 2
The Independent
Willie-Naukana-March-24-1900-PDF, Hawaiian male, 13 years; died at Kerosene Hospital of typhoid fever attended by Dr. Bowman; Kawaiahao cemetery.
May 1, 1900, Page 3
The Independent
James-Kaneakua-PDF died last night at the residence of Mr. L. McKeague on Fort Street. The deceased was 81 years of age and was the foster father of John M. Kaneakua, the well known attorney and of Louis McKeague. The kamaainas will remember the old man who was an excellent type of the old Hawaiians. The funeral took place at 3:30 p.m. today at Kawaiahao.
May 22, 1900, Page 4
The Independent
David-Koko-PDF, Hawaiian male, 1 year and 8 months; born and died at Kakaako, on east side of new Iron Works, after six months illness, of phthisis pulmonalis; attended by Dr. Alvarez; Kawaiahao cemetery.
June 16, 1900, Page 1
The Independent
Unnamed-Child-Sam-Kaele-June-16-1900-PDF Hawaiian male, 4 months; born and died at the corner of Queen and Punchbowl streets; after ten days sickness, of meningitis; attended by Dr. Kojima; Kawaiahao cemetery.
December 28, 1900, Page 3
The Independent
Rose-Castino-PDF a native of Honolulu, aged 31 years, died at the home on Beretania street, near the pumping plant from consumption. The remains were interred at Kawaiahao.
December 28, 1900, Page 3
The Honolulu Republican
Kaahalama-infant-Dec-28-1900-PDF an infant, Hawaiian by birth, died of croup yesterday. Internment took place at Kawaiahao.
December 29, 1900, Page 6
The Honolulu Republican
George-Hakalo-Infant-Dec-29-1900-PDF, an infant, Hawaiian died at the Makai relief camp of bronchitis. Burial at Kawaiahao.
January 5, 1901, Page 4
The Independent
The funeral of the late Mrs-Kaniu-Haaheo-Lumaheihei-Jan-5-1901-PDF took place yesterday afternoon from her late residence. The remains were interred at Kawaiahao Cemetery.

Kawaiahao Cemetery Concerns

February 14, 2011
From: Irmalee Kamakaonaona “Onaona” Pomroy Maly
Kawaiaha‘o Church Attn: Kahu Curtis Kekuna, Senior Pastor 957 Punchbowl Street Honolulu, HI 96813
RE: Family Burials at Kawaiaha‘o Church Cemetery; Ninth Kāhea i nā ‘Ohana Meeting held February 8, 2011; and concern regarding ‘ohana buried in Kawaiaha‘o Cemetery.
Kahu Kekuna:
 My name is Irmalee Kamakaonaona Pomroy Maly. I am informing you in writing, I have ‘ohana-kūpuna buried at Kawaiaha‘o Church. My great-grandmother Lā‘ielohelohe Kapukui Pomroy (and infant who died with her in 1910); and Samuel Lawrence Pomroy, aged 2 ½, who died in 1900.
I know where my great-grandmother is buried (in the Halu‘apo plot – also being family). She has a grave marker but we are concerned as her grave is located right next door to the “Word of Life” building and who knows if someday in the future—based on the history of Kawaiaha‘o, as a church which digs up its congregants graves—that the church may decide to intrude into this section of the cemetery as well. We do not know the location of little Samuel’s grave, and are concerned that he may be one of the unknown ‘iwi.
On behalf of my family, I share with you that we do not want my great grandmother, Samuel or any other ‘iwi kūpuna to be removed from their final resting place. In both the traditional Hawaiian and Christian contexts, there is a reverence for burial sites, that runs deep among our families, and which, for some reason, Kawaiaha‘o has seen fit to ignore.
It is my feeling, that you, the families of Kawaiaha‘o, and members of families, whose elders are buried at Kawaiaha‘o need to respect and mālama the ‘iwi—those in the ground, and those sitting in your basement for over a year. I don’t understand why they were removed in the first place. Whether marked or not, this is a known cemetery, and the record of burials on the property pre-dates the A.B.C.F.M. lands award; and you have known there are burials all about you. How this poor (disrespectful) treatment of members of your church could be allowed, is difficult to comprehend. Just because they are in the way of a multi-purpose building? To build a “kingdom?” We know that the Kingdom of God is not made by the hands of man.
I apologize to my kūpuna for not coming forward sooner when the first unearthing of the ‘iwi occurred. I’ve lived on neighbor islands for the past 30 + years, and because we work full-time, I was not aware of this hewa being allowed to happen. Sadly the desecration of our kūpuna ‘iwi is not new to us, we have been involved and came forward before in protection of ‘iwi kūpuna by questioning, researching, holding signs in protest, making news, etc. back in the ‘70s, 80s and 90s. Never ever in my worst nightmare could I possibly imagine burials at Kawaiaha‘o cemetery would be allowed to be dug up in this day and age. Adding to the hewa, is the fact that this is a Hawaiian Church, and Hawaiians are facilitating the desecration.
Because it happened in the past, more so today, we cannot let it happen again. We have lost enough of our past, our history, our right as a people, it is time for all Hawaiians, all human beings who care, to make a stand. Watch out everyone, for if this is allowed to happen at this well known graveyard who is to stop other graveyards in the future of having this same fate.
I received the invitation and for the first time I attended your hosted Ninth Kāhea i nā ‘Ohana Meeting held on February 8, 2011. My husband and I arrived early as we weren’t exactly sure where on the grounds the meeting was to be held. I approached two older Hawaiian couples who sitting on a bench, said “aloha,” and asked, “Where is the meeting being held?” One of the women asked me, in a very sarcastic voice, “What is your name?” I told her who I was. She then asked “What is my last name? I told her, she asked “Since when did you become a church member?” “I am not a church member.” She said, “I don’t know who you are?” I explained I was there for the burial/‘iwi meeting. She was very rude and sassy, she told me, “What is so good about the bones? They are all gone, they no more feelings.”
Right then I felt so hurt in my na‘au, she hurt me spiritually. I walked away, my husband and I immediately went into prayer. A few moments later a friend, Lani Ma‘a walked up, came up and hugged us. It felt good to know there was a friend at Kawaiaha‘o amongst the wolves. She invited us into the church to go in through the side entrance. While she was directing us, another unknown person, a man, told Lani, “They can’t come in this way, they have to go in the front entrance”. No aloha, no compassion, no care. He didn’t even come up to us to explain, he just spoke to Lani who looked very apologetic, but what could she do. We walked away and went in the front door. I later found out during the meeting by his introduction, this “man” is the newly appointed chair of the Na ‘Iwi Committee. That felt like a slap in my face, to be treated so poorly by the one who has been given charge in the responsibility for the care of our ‘iwi.
As the meeting unfolded with Kimo Kahoano as the mediator, he read the rules which included, “Treat everyone who speaks with kindness, compassion and respect, even if you disagree.” We sat towards the back of the church for we were there mostly to observe since this was our first time in attendance. In my observation each time someone went up to share their mana‘o, if the person was speaking on behalf of our ‘iwi kūpuna the church members were very rude, they would mumble under their breath and make snide remarks.
Because of how they were acting, I did not go up to share. I personally feel there was nothing accomplished at that meeting, it was a waste of time. Is that how all your meetings have been in the past? You and your church members have already made up your mind and desire to finish your building, you care about nothing else. Obviously you cannot see how very wrong this is. How can you or I for that matter attend a funeral at a grave site and not help but think, “Is this only temporary?” until this location is going to be for a future road or a new building?
I can say that one member of your congregation represented the spirit of aloha, in her mannerism that evening. Mrs. Galuteria, graciously came up to us, said aloha, and shared a few family memories with us – my grandmother, Violet Kaiapa Pomroy had been her teacher. Mahalo to her and Lani for being kanaka mākua.
In a recent search of news on cemeteries, and the word “grave,” I came across discussions about flowers being taken off graves, and how upset people are. I can’t help but think what would happen if I was to start a discussion stating “if you think flowers being removed is bad, how would you like to hear bodies are being removed from the grave, their final resting place?” Now that is something worth standing up for, bodies versus flowers.
I feel sorry for you Kahu Kekuna for ultimately this burden falls upon you. You are the senior pastor, the kahu, the leader. It is not too late, make a stand, do what is right. These are burials in your cemetery representing the foundational families of your church. If you don’t stop this now who is to stop the future leaders and church members from taking out more bodies?
Our kūpuna taught us, “Mai kaula‘i nā iwi o nā kūpuna i ka lā!” (Do not expose the bones of the ancestors to the sun!) This saying is both literal and poetic, and it would be helpful if you and your congregation took it to heart.
Below, is a brief record of my kūpuna – ‘ohana, and their place at Kawaiaha‘o. I’m also attaching as a separate file, selected certificates documenting my kūpuna at Kawaiaha‘o, and my descent from them. The genealogy is summarized below:
Lillian Lā‘ieloehlohe Kapukui married Walter Melville Pomroy in 1890, and to them were born:
Jane Kalaniwela Pomroy, March 21, 1891 Edward Matthew Halu‘apo Pomroy, October 15, 1892 Clara Louise Ka‘aimahu‘i Pomroy, April 17, 1895 Samuel Lawrence Pomroy, October 8, 1897 (died, March 21, 1900, buried at Kawaiaha‘o) Louis Melville Pomroy, January 19, 1900 Harry Kind Pomroy, March 28, 1903 Eva Maua‘eikaluaolonoikahiki Pomroy, November 27, 1904 Walter Pomroy (died at birth)Lillian Lā‘ielohelohe Kapukui Pomroy died on February 17, 1910, of complications from pregnancy, and was buried with her unborn child, at Kawaiaha‘o Cemetery.Lillian Lā‘ielohelohe Kapukui Pomroy is my great grandmother; Her son, Louis Melville Pomroy, is my grandfather. His son, Walter Melville Kaiapa Pomroy, is my father.
(Certificates Attached in Transmittal to Kahu Kekuna)
The names and numbers of people who have been interred at Kawaiaha‘o are not all known. But from a simple review of historical records, we begin to comprehend that hundreds of families who are affected by the actions of Kawaiaha‘o in this present time.
On the following pages are the names of a few kūpuna who are recorded as being buried at Kawaiaha‘o Church in the past. As you read each name, feel love, feel compassion, let them touch your hearts. They were laid in their final resting place forever, please let them remain. Do not remove anyone else.
Na‘u no me ke aloha o ke Akua,
Irmalee Kamakaonaona Pomroy Maly
 “And Jacob set up a monument of stones upon her grave, and it is there to this day.” Genesis 35:20 (The Living Bible)
cc: OHA Trustees and concerned parties
March 14, 2011   
From: Irmalee Kamakaonaona “Onaona” Pomroy Maly  
To: Kawaiaha‘o Church
Attn: Pastor Curtis Kekuna, Senior Pastor
957 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, HI 96813  
RE: Uncalled for Arrest of Kamuela Kala‘i and Ka‘anohi Kaleikini;  Family Burials at Kawaiaha‘o Church Cemetery; and concern regarding  ‘ohana buried in Kawaiaha‘o Church Cemetery.   
Pastor Curtis Kekuna,  
I am saddened by your actions in advocating for the  arrest of Kamuela Kala’i and Ka‘anohi Kaleikini who were brave enough to  stand up and voice their mana‘o in the care of iwi kūpuna at Kawaiaha‘o  Church Cemetery. I pray that you will see the hewa in the action which  you caused to be set in place — not  allowing Kamuela or Ka‘anohi to be  on church/cemetery property for one year — will be removed immediately.  How can any good Christian bar these ladies from visiting their kūpuna,  and all because they are trying to protect them from additional harm,  and to return those kūpuna who have been in the basement for over one  year in the ground where they belong? Will you do the same to any others  of the ‘ohana who might try to visit the pā ilina of their kupuna, or  try to determine where their elders remains are? 
I am also informing you we are missing another  family member, Luther Aholo. According to Kupuna Frances Hi‘ileilani  “Mele” Apaka Mahelona who will be 91 years young in April, she remembers  Kupuna Aholo was buried behind King Lunalilo’s tomb. He is in an  unmarked grave. I would like to know if your archive has any maps or  documentation available for us as ‘ohana to have a more definite  location of where he is located. We would like to make arrangements for a  plaque or a grave marker to be set in place in his honor where he is  buried. Luther Aholo was an important figure in the Hawaiian Monarchy,  and his daughter, Lydia K. Aholo was the hānai of Queen Lili‘uokalani.  Kupuna Mahelona also shared that other family members, Charlotte Aholo  Kahalewai and son, Carl Kahalewai are also buried at Kawaiaha‘o.  
So, what is the protocol to engage in researching  and marking unmarked graves of ‘ohana? We want to make sure to obtain  permission from you and your congregation before any plans are set in  place. Once we hear back from you I will pass on the information to  other family members. I hope to receive a reply from you in writing  soon.
Attached is the Genealogy of the Pule & Puali to  the Mahoe-Adams Family of which my mother is Irmalee Kamakaonaona Adams  Pomroy, under the Mahoe-Adams line which shows our blood relation to  Luther Aholo.
I am also concerned and will come forward as  additional ‘ohana through marriage, Emma Lahapa Bush, Harry Bush,  Kahalewai “Kepeni” and Harry Kapuhiliokalani Bush, Emma Bush &  Kahalewai “Kepeni” and C.B. Maile. The Bush and Maile families are part  of the  Kapukui-Pomroy genealogy. I have documentation prepared by our  grand aunt, Mary Kawena Wiggin-Pukui which shows these family ties.   
How much family information is needed from you and  what do you do with this information? I have yet to receive a reply from  you with regards if you accepted me as a lineal descendent to my great  grandmother La‘ielohelohe Kapukui Pomroy and grand uncle Samuel Lawrence  Pomroy genealogy even though documents were submitted to you on  February 14, 2011.
Also, I do not give you or those you work with  permission to use the mo‘okū‘auhau  (genealogical and anecdotal family)  information in any other way, nor to distribute it to any other party.  It is strictly to be used for determination of genealogical descent from  Kūpuna interred at Kawaiaha‘o only.  
I will continue to research Family Obituaries at  Kawaiaha‘o, as well as articles of interest pertaining to Kawaiaha‘o.  Contrary to popular belief by yourself and some members of your  congregation, Kūpuna buried at Kawaiaha‘o are known and by reading their  obituaries the voices of their families bring forward reminders of  their lives, and the truth that they are there. The elders who are our  earthly foundation, do count and they are somebody. Take the time to  read their names, catch a glimpse of who they are, let them touch your  heart. Leave them alone, do not dig up any more of our ancestor’s bones,  let them rest forever more and to be at peace as how God intended for  them to be. 
Another concern of mine is to make sure that  anything/everything that was buried with the iwi kūpuna must remain with  the specific iwi kupuna (moe pū), for that was the intent at the time  of burial. Since you should not have dug them up in the first place,  these kinds of issues would never have had to be considered. But because  you, as the pastor of this church, and your members allowed this hewa  act, it now becomes your kuleana to make sure nothing is separated from  the ones for whom these moe pū were intended. 
Aloha ke Akua, [Signed]   
Irmalee Kamakaonaona Pomroy Maly
Attachment: Mo‘okū‘auhau Pule-Puali to Pastor Kekuna only
cc. Trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Clyde Namu‘o, OHA Chief Executive Officer
Governor Abercrombie, State of Hawaii

Interested Parties